Bitterroot Detour, 2018

The Bitterroot

Well, we went all the way to Montana to float the Smith River, but it was an awfully long drive to not see a sight or two on the way home.  So with that in mind, after we pulled off the Smith we stayed a night in Missoula and then it was on to a day trip on the Bitterroot river just outside of town.


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Smith River, Montana, 2018

Montana.  If the word doesn’t conjure an image in your mind I don’t know where you have been, but you need to go there.  For me, it brings to mind green valleys surrounded by forested mountains.

But the Smith River?  If you have heard of it you probably talk to people in the rafting world.  When I told most people we were going I got a blank stare.  Where is it?  Well, it’s not really by anywhere you have heard of really.  And that is part of the charm.


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