February 2016 Update

It's been a bit quiet around here the last month or more.  There's not as much camping and exploring going on in January and February as some of the warmer months.  The truck camper and boats are winterized and stored away, waiting for the warmer weather that will be here before we know it.  Luckily there has been plenty of snow to enjoy along with lots of bluebird winter days.  There's miles of ski trails…

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Death Valley 2015, Titus Canyon and Racetrack

It was going to be my last full day in Death Valley National Park for this trip, and it was going to be a full one, so I got started at 5:30 and was on the road just after 6:00.  I spent the first half of the day driving and checking out Titus Canyon Road.  There are portions of the road that are barely one vehicle wide so the entire route, except the last two…

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Death Valley 2015, Badwater

After a day to myself hiking Marble Canyon it was time to hit a few busier spots in the valley.  But first the drive out. I stopped by the Devils Golf Course first.  Nobody was playing golf and I forgot my clubs but I did get some good shots of the salt upheavals that characterize the area.   My next stop was Badwater Basin, the lowest point in the U.S. at -282 feet. Badwater is…

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