Deschutes River, Fall, 2016

Wow, is fall flying by!  Wasn’t it just September?  Now the end of October is closer than the start.  I guess there’s just a bit of catching up to do here.  Fall means a lot of things, among them is steelhead season and getting on the big D to see what can be dredged up in that department.  The first float on the Deschutes actually began in September and then there it was, October by the end of the trip.  The second trip was only 4 days later.  A little bit of a whirlwind, but was it ever nice to be on the river.  And of course it’s always nice to get out and see some fall sunsets as storms threaten that usually don’t produce a whole lot.

Trout Creek Sunset
Trout Creek Sunset


Juniper Ridgeline, Sunset
Juniper Ridgeline, Cotton Candy Sunset


Continue ReadingDeschutes River, Fall, 2016

Klamath River, September 2016

As I crossed over the Santiam Pass I noticed it.  Red and yellow leaves in every direction.  It’s fall, my favorite time of year.  Not only does the temperature moderate from the triple digits of summer, you get that crisp feeling in the air and most of all fire season tends to moderate and the opportunity might present itself to unplug for a few days.  There is no better way to unplug in my book than to float down a river.  First up this fall, the Klamath in northern California.

Klamath River Solitude
Klamath River Solitude

The Klamath flows through some pretty remote country.   (more…)

Continue ReadingKlamath River, September 2016

Wrapping up August and on to September!

Yep, August is over.  Fire season means that we haven’t roamed to far but we have definitely been on the move.  Here’s a rundown.

First up, a quick trip down the McKenzie River.  Our wonderful fair intruded into the weekend but we were able to get on the river Sunday and enjoy the clean, clear water, plenty of fish and a relaxing day.

McKenzie River, Oregon
Eagle Rock, McKenzie River, Oregon


McKenzie River Oregon
Browns Hole, McKenzie River Oregon


Next up was the Trek For Tuna.   (more…)

Continue ReadingWrapping up August and on to September!