A Breath of Fresh Air

In case you missed the news, 1 million acres of Oregon caught on fire starting on Memorial day. We were out of the smoke for the first few days as it drifted west, but then the flow switched back to the normal westerly flow and we were soon experiencing the worst air quality in the world. Yes, the world. So after a week of being stuck inside it was time to get out of town…

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Hiking Through the Dog Days, 2020

Oh the Dog Days of summer. At this point I suppose they have come and gone, this being the first day of meteorological fall. But, I digress, back to the dog days. Those days in summer commonly associated with the hottest days of the year, but more precisely those days corresponding to the dog stars (namely Sirius) rising in the southern sky with dawn. We hiked our way through several weekends up to high mountain…

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Owyhee Uplands, 2020, Part 1

May was quickly approaching and rivers in Oregon were closed. Our trip down the Owyhee River we planned for 6 months was doomed. Time to make other plans. It is pretty easy to find remote spots in the Owyhee country, so it seemed like the logical choice was to head for the same country, but switch from a river trip to a truck camping trip. Before we knew it our days off rolled around. It…

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