Out and About, 2021

Despite all the news to the contrary in different parts of the country, it seems like 2021 has started out pretty mild in the weather department in Oregon. Camping in February comes with challenges, but a couple weeks back the forecast was good and with the camper on the new truck we decided a test run was in order, so over to the coast we went. Just a note that locations will not be disclosed in this post, to protect the innocent fish yet to be hooked in my future (I hope).

The new truck and not so new camper

After a late night arrival on a Friday we were up and headed to the river Saturday morning in search of some sun and steelhead. Both would prove elusive, but any day on the water is a good day in my book.


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Fall in the High Cascades, 2020

Fall is the best time of year (and that's a statement, not a fact) and definitely the best time for hiking and camping in the high Cascades. The mosquitoes are gone, as are most of the crowds, and even though most areas are dominated by conifers there are still nice colors in the mountain ash and huckleberries to liven up the views. We stopped by Timpanogas Lake earlier in the year, and we were out…

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A Breath of Fresh Air

In case you missed the news, 1 million acres of Oregon caught on fire starting on Memorial day. We were out of the smoke for the first few days as it drifted west, but then the flow switched back to the normal westerly flow and we were soon experiencing the worst air quality in the world. Yes, the world. So after a week of being stuck inside it was time to get out of town…

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