Old Cascades, July 2022

There’s the Cascades, and then there’s the Old Cascades. Those weather worn non-descript “hills” west of the flashy snow capped peaks everyone knows about. The Old Cascades are filled with trails, small lakes and wildflowers, and lack the wilderness designation that bring the crowds. We went to explore in July hoping to catch a few wildflowers and find a quiet ridge with a view. We were successful, although the truck has a few new pinstripes from the brushy roads to prove it.


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Northeast Oregon, 2022

Spring in Oregon was wet. That’s relevant here for a couple reasons. When planning out our early summer we put a couple river trips on the calendar. We had already cancelled a trip on the John Day due to high flows, and as we approached our dates for the Grande Ronde flows were similarly high. What could we do instead? We decided to still head to the northeast corner of the state, but we morphed our plans into a road trip.


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San Juan Islands, 2022

There’s a few good reasons why we haven’t been to the San Juan Islands in Washington. The main one being the huge obstacle in the way of getting there, also known as Seattle. The other being that well, they are islands. Typically we’d truck camp to a destination like this but the extra step of ferrying to multiple islands made this an item that barely made the list of places to consider visiting. Then in 2021 we purchased our 16 foot Hewes Craft, also known as the Red Baron. All the sudden a visit seemed pretty intriguing and it got bumped up the list several slots. Our window for this exploratory trip was a week in June, we packed the boat and headed north. After a night in Washington Park in Anacortes we launched off into the salt for a week of adventure.

James Island Camp

Our first stop was James Island. The original plan was a much more distant island, but with a small craft warning in effect we made the short hop over to James. There was one boat there upon arrival but they soon left and we had the place nearly to ourselves. After reading about James we worried about racoons raiding camp, but it seems that issue may be in the past.


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